Thursday, July 18, 2013

Blogibilities for Educational Leaders

Blogs can be a very transparent way (for better or worse) for a principal to communicate his/her thoughts with others (other principals, staff members, the world).  I have noticed more principals using blogs as a way to communicate daily or weekly announcements.  Unfortunately, I will observe these blogs in the spring and the last entry was dated in the fall.  The intentions are strong but the execution is lacking (for obvious reasons).  This communicates to me that blogging, if utilized, needs to be a discipline if it is to be effective.

One way that I anticipate using a blog as a new principal is simply as a personal log of thoughts and events throughout the year (what went well, what could have gone better, etc.).  I can reference back to it when I need to submit a report to the superintendent &/or the school board.  More importantly, I can  use the year of entries as a point of reflection during the summer to be more effective in year #2 and beyond.  Again, if I can establish the discipline necessary to utilize this potential tool.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of a weekly blog from the principal, and I agree it must be executed consistently. That's the problem with all communication - whether a weekly email, blog, newsletter - the communicator must follow through. I'm thinking about starting a weekly blog in my position. I provide weekly professional development for the ELA teachers on my campus. This might be a good way to keep the lines of communication open and keep ideas flowing during the week. And - it might be good practice for that day (down the road) when I step into another leadership position.

    I like the simplicity of your blog...

    Would you check mine out to make sure I've done everything correctly?

