Thursday, July 18, 2013

Action Research - From Initiation to Anticipated Application

The texts for week one of EDLD 5301 - Action Research have been very eye opening, a bit overwhelming, and ultimately exciting.  I was vaguely aware of some of the concepts associated with data-driven decisions through processes such as action research, but the specific methodology and overlying purposes (and benefits) were new to me prior to reading this week's texts (specifically the text referenced below and throughout this post).  There were a number of nuggets that I hope to recall in the thick of my anticipated time as a principal.  One mindset transition (going from teacher to principal) that I now more specifically anticipate is being an active "head learner" (Dana, 2009, p. 2).  Dana continues to state that "transforming the profession is really the capstone of the principal inquiry story," (p. 2).  Dana went on to reference on page 5 that action research is a "continual set of spirals consisting of reflection and action."  My initial reaction to the reading was to brainstorm ways we (as in my current district) could better integrate the action research mindset into the culture of our school's learning and teaching (both in and beyond the classroom).  I believe we at times can take subtle steps pointed in the right direction, but all we do is point our feet that way; we don't take any continual steps of substance.  This falls on the leadership and I hope to go against the unfortunate norm of what many administrators do when it comes to establishing and maintaining a culture of inquiry.  Our students deserve better teachers of inquiry.

5301 - Week One Text Referenced In This Post:
Dana, N.F. (2009). Leading With Passion and Knowledge: The Principal As Action Researcher. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

1 comment:

  1. Points well taken! I agree with you, the Dana book has been very helpful, especially with giving examples of the 9 passion areas. I thought the videos were helpful as well to understand how administrators can incorporate action research into their daily jobs. I think you are right to point out that students deserve both teachers and administrators to incorporate inquiry into their professional development plan. I think as educators we have to commit to growing as educational leaders.
