Sunday, August 18, 2013

5301-5 (Course Reflection)

The overall concept of this class was worthwhile.  My wife and kids appreciated that it did not consume as much time as the first course.  However, I believe more could be done with the potential of this course.  I reflect throughout each day, both in regards to class and non-class items.  When it comes to this course, I felt that more often than not I was redoing many of the same things I did the previous week (specifically through the discussion board posts, the blog posts, and even the assignments to a certain extent).  I realize that this course explores the topic of action research, but ultimately I feel that this course consisted of 2 weeks of actual work/content spread out repeatedly over five weeks.  We explored some methods of action research through the text, but as we toured through this course the mention of other methods was more of a side note than a path more thoroughly traveled.  I would consider this course’s curriculum (if I encountered it as a principal, parent, or colleague) to be insufficient.
In regards to the lectures, I did not have access to high speed internet so I had to view the transcripts (an appreciated feature).  However, once I did have a chance to view a lecture video my presumptions were realized.  The lectures, although unique in format, were not pertinent to success in this class.  The readings were very good.  There were many nuggets that I marked in my texts for future reference (especially when determining the need for future inquiries).  The searches (if we’re talking about those conducted for material related to my action research) were very consuming and extensive.  There is a lot of material related to my action research topic (the viability of a balanced school calendar for my school district) available on the web.  The search (which will continue, although not to the same extent, throughout the life of the project) has been productive.  I’ve also been researching districts that have adopted a balanced calendar both recently and for an extended time.  My only concern is the suggestion from Steven Michaels (Principal, Hamilton Early Learning Center, La Crosse, WI) to allow a minimum of three years for idea to implementation to occur.
Ultimately, this course and this program are what I make them.  I intend to earn my degree, not just buy it.  Earning the piece of paper is meaningless if I don’t also have the ability to apply all that I learn.  I plan to make the most of my opportunity.

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