Wednesday, July 31, 2013

02.5301-3.ARP - Related Information and A VERY Rough Draft (Sandpaper Not Included)

PART I -- Related Information

Background Information
Our school district’s free and reduced lunch population is quite high and has either held steady or increased over the years.  Our students tend to not test well when compared to students within the conference, CESA, and the state.  Standards and expectations to improve have increased recently at both the state and federal levels.  If our district maintains its current course of action the results will not keep pace with expectations and our justification to exist will wane.  We need to think outside of the box and actively pursue any and all possible methods for improving each student’s opportunity to learn (and therefore, improve each student’s ability to test more successfully).

Data Collection and Analysis
The data gathering process has been quite expansive.  The challenge has been deciphering the value of each data set.  Ultimately, there have been some key data sources that have driven the project (both in clarifying the pros and cons of YRE - year round education).  This process is not done.  In fact, I anticipate keeping this door of data gathering open for most if not this entire project, especially if the data sheds new light or reinforces previously established conclusions.

Inquiry Design
The ultimate purpose of this project is to determine the viability of a YRE calendar for our school district.  I intend to involve our superintendent and other district staff and administrators in the project throughout to keep them involved as well as to weave in their respective perspectives.  This will hopefully keep the awareness and ownership of the project and a high level.

Anticipated Conclusion
This is a significant undertaking that cannot be rushed.  It very well could need more time to develop than is provided within this program (my anticipated graduation from Lamar is by the end of 2014).  I would rather take the time to do it right than rush towards a mistake.  Plus, the process will lengthen as more people are brought on board for the purpose of increasing ownership.  This change is significant and affects everyone in our district.  The seeds of change need time to take root and blossom.  Rushing such a process hinders the potential and desired fruit sought in the first place.  The overall project’s status will constantly be determined by the willingness of each person to remain open to the potential benefits of a YRE calendar.

As this project takes traction so will the development of each of these four tasks.

PART II -- ARP Rough Draft

The following table is one of the most fluid products I've produced yet.  My project's development is not at the rate that it seems this course (5301) is requiring.  I am not concerned overall but I am open to the possibility that I am not up to par as of this point in the process.  Your perspectives are always valued and sought.  Thank you in advance!

Action Research Plan
GOAL: Determine the viability of a balanced (or year round) calendar for the School District of New Lisbon.
YRE  = Year Round Education
BalCal = Balanced Calendar
FRL = Free & Reduced Lunch
Action Step(s)
Person(s) Responsible
Timeline (Start/End)
Needed Resources
Identify district data from pertinent areas:
·       Past testing (WKCE, ACT, etc.)
·       Demographics (ethnicity, poverty, home settings)
·       Retention recommendations
·       At-risk related data
·       Compare data to districts at conference, CESA, and state levels to serve as starting point
Ryan Meyer (with assistance from Guidance, Administration, CESA)
September 2013/January 2014
District and State data
Mark Hansen is the primary source of the information sought.

Place data in NL BalCal spreadsheet
Determine potential cost analysis of BalCal:
·       Additional intercession staffing
·       Intercession transportation
·       Food
·       Building maintenance
Ryan Meyer (with assistance from Administration to determine potential costs and potential curriculum)
September 2013/January 2014
District budget information
Place data in NL BalCal spreadsheet
Survey students, staff, and parents regarding awareness and potential acceptance of BalCal. Analyze survey data to ascertain status of each group.
Ryan Meyer
Late Spring 2014/Fall 2014
Communication distribution methods (paper/digital)
Place data in NL BalCal spreadsheet
Determine best methods and timing for engaging community in process
Ryan Meyer
Spring 2014/Fall 2014
Time to search and question decision makers in districts already using BalCal or YRE
Unknown at this time; based on feedback from current BalCal or YRE   districts
Survey staff regarding retention
·       How much do you have to review from previous year/class?
·       How much time do you have to review?
·       Determine FRL percentage of each classroom.  Is there a correlation?
Ryan Meyer
Fall 2013 & Fall 2014
User-friendly, streamlined method for surveying staff
Unknown at this time
Seek, process, and potentially apply past, current, and future related data
Ryan Meyer
Throughout project
Establish search methods such as Google search filters
Unknown at this time
Determine effects of BalCal on extra and co-curricular schedules.
Ryan Meyer
2013-14 school year
WIAA calendar, NL activities calendar
List pros, cons, and other factors in spreadsheet
Project Evaluation
Ryan Meyer
Prior to Lamar Ed Admin completion (November 2014)
Methods for measuring the perspective of each affected group
A(n) report/update will be submitted within this date window to provide interested, outside parties a status of where this project is at in its development.


  1. Ryan, wow! I really like the effort you put into your paragraphs at the top. A couple of things I am wondering: first, I'm not sure if it's my computer, but there is some odd characters in your left column where you listed your survey questions. Also, I'm wondering about what you will do with the information at the end. Have you thought about adding a debrief meeting with your admin team? Great job, R!

  2. What an undertaking.... you really thought outside of the box on this one! I wouldn't even know where to begin when it comes to year round school and personally I would not like it, haha! But hey, maybe after I see the end results of yours it could change my mind. Good Luck!

    1. I am proceeding with the mindset that everyone will be against this change (as I was before exploring some of the data/research and contemplating the potential benefits a year round calendar could have on our students, especially those most negatively affected by the longer summer break). I'm also proceeding with the mindset that this may lead to no change. Regardless, it is worth exploring this path.

      Thank you for your comments!

  3. WOW! This seems like a HUGE undertaking! My hat is off to you for taking on such a big task. You will no doubt gather some very useful information which could provide important data that can be used in the future planning of your school. I think that your project is right on line with where it should be at this point in the course. You have a definite idea of the questions you want to research and answer. I am very impressed with the outline you have produced. Best of luck as you proceed, I will be keeping up with your progress.

  4. Wow! This is fantastic. Your plan is well thought out and I can see your vision. Your action research will definitely keep you busy. Good Luck. Sure hoping you will be publishing your final results. I would suggest considering having some final results just because we need to have our action plan done before graduation.

  5. Thanks, folks! I knew I was forgetting something with my rough draft. I have updated my table to include a report/update submission by the end of the Lamar program (even though this project may not be done).

  6. I think your ARP looks fantastic. Your plan looks extremely thorough. I agree this is definitely a topic many teachers think of negatively but I have friends who teach in districts already on YRE and they love it. Sadly many educators view this decision based solely on the 'I'm not giving up my summer vacation time' factor. Obviously, there are many other things to consider and you look like you are doing a fantastic job of being prepared to present those other arguments.

  7. I think this is an interesting project. I was a part of a year-round school program. Are you trying to determine how year-round school will affect student achievement or teacher morale or just wondering what the perceptions of your school's stakeholders will be regarding year-round school?

  8. So happy to hear someone else imply they were having difficulties. I'm so worried after seeing your beginning that I didn't do mine correct. Constant worry!

    You have an interesting subject to tackle. I've asked this question a few years back because I heard rumors of the Dallas area implementing this. I heard from a trainer of trainers(no research involved) that summers off were because students needed to work on farms and times have changed and we need to think about this practice of school from Aug. to June. The arguement I heard was that the low students lose ground when off for a whole summer. I suppose you need to look at schools/districts that have implemented year round school to compare. I can't wait to hear your findings. You know, you might find that it's best for the students but still not be able to get your district to change because change like that, is really hard.

  9. I think you have a great plan to start off with, and I agree with you that as new information and results filter in, your plan may change to better fit the needs of your district and students. I think having a clear vision in mind on the direction your superintendent and board want to go with your district will help you to get their buy in and participation with your study. Maybe you could attend a few district meetings to see what current long term goals are and get a sense of the "bigger picture". Get your networking hat on as well. Find those that make decisions for the district and build relationships - they could be a very powerful source of information for your research. I'm interested in seeing how this develops - good luck!

  10. This is a great draft of your plan...I think that you are very clear and explicit on what it is you are trying to accomplish. Best of luck to you...Please check out my ARP at Thanks
